Information about indications was extracted from the indications and usage sections of the labels.
Side effects: | 19 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 35 |
Source: | Health Canada |
Side effects: | 41 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 42 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 44 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 44 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 50 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 52 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 53 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 53 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 54 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 54 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 55 |
Source: | Health Canada |
Side effects: | 57 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 57 |
Source: | FDA Structured Product Label |
Side effects: | 63 |
Source: | |
Side effects: | 66 |
Source: | Health Canada |
Side effects: | 67 |
Source: | Health Canada |
Side effects: | 68 |
Source: | FDA |
Side effects: | 75 |
Source: | Health Canada |
Color scheme:
standard – alternative
frequent (1% to 100%)
infrequent (0.1% to 1%)
rare (<0.1%)
no frequency information
not found on label