Definition: Irregularity of the heartbeat due to a variation in the sinus rhythm resulting in cyclic changes in the heart rate during breathing. This rhythm is most commonly seen with breathing due to fluctuations in parasympathetic vagal tone. During inspiration stretch receptors in the lungs stimulate the cardioinhibitory centers in the medulla via fibers in the vagus nerve. Irregularity of the heartbeat due to a variation in the sinus rhythm resulting in cyclic changes in the heart rate during breathing. This rhythm is most commonly seen with breathing due to fluctuations in parasympathetic vagal tone. During inspiration stretch receptors in the lungs stimulate the cardioinhibitory centers in the medulla via fibers in the vagus nerve. (NCI)
Synonyms (terms occurring on more labels are shown first): sinus arrhythmia, sinus arrythmia, s inus arrhythmia
More information: PubMed search and possibly Wikipedia
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